Hive Open mic week 167- All things bright and beautiful (Cover) @Mayorkeys

in Hive Open Miclast year

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The community is progressing day by day and also weekly which i am always happy because i am also part of the moving train of the progress 🤗. We are already at week 167 and today we are dwelling on the theme which was laid down by our spotlight artist who is @eudarcabello and it is Otaku. When i saw the theme i was so confused to even get a song to use as my choice but as i was deliberating on what to pick since the meaning which I saw people using was anime so i had to think wide and fight a befitting one for the week that will actually go well with the theme.

So i had to use one of the song which we use to do when we where young and i cant even forget this one and during my secondary school days i remember we do use what we call (SOP) which is called song of praise and we have lot of songs in it. So the song which i chose and i remembered then was all things bright and beautiful, written by cecil Francis alexander and others music guru, which i am sure that most would have heard the song before so i used my keyboard this time around and not the guitar because there was power supply which was easy for me to use.

I hope you enjoy the video while you watch, see you again as the week goes for more engagement.


All things bright and beautiful,
all creatures great and small,
all things wise and wonderful,
the Lord God made them all.
1 Each little flow’r that opens,
each little bird that sings,
God made their glowing colors,
God made their tiny wings. [Refrain]
2 The purple-headed mountain,
the river running by,
the sunset, and the morning
that brightens up the sky; [Refrain]
3 The cold wind in the winter,
the pleasant summer sun,
the ripe fruits in the garden,
God made them, ev’ry one. [Refrain]
4 God gave us eyes to see them,
and lips that we might tell
how great is God Almighty,
who has made all things well. [Refrain


La comunidad está progresando día a día y también semanalmente, lo cual siempre me alegra porque también soy parte del tren en movimiento del progreso 🤗. Ya estamos en la semana 167 y hoy nos detenemos en el tema que planteó nuestro artista destacado que es @eudarcabello y es Otaku. Cuando vi el tema, estaba tan confundido como para elegir una canción para usar como mi elección, pero como estaba deliberando sobre qué elegir, ya que el significado que vi que la gente usaba era anime, así que tuve que pensar amplio y luchar por uno adecuado. la semana que realmente irá bien con el tema.

Así que tuve que usar una de las canciones que solíamos hacer cuando éramos jóvenes y ni siquiera puedo olvidar esta y durante mis días de escuela secundaria recuerdo que usamos lo que llamamos (SOP) que se llama canción de alabanza y nosotros tiene muchas canciones. Entonces, la canción que elegí y recordé entonces era todo brillante y hermoso, escrita por cecil Francis alexander y otros gurús de la música, y estoy seguro de que la mayoría habría escuchado la canción antes, así que esta vez usé mi teclado y no el guitarra porque había una fuente de alimentación que era fácil de usar para mí.

Espero que disfrutes el video mientras miras, nos vemos de nuevo a medida que avanza la semana para más participación.


Todas las cosas brillantes y hermosas,
todas las criaturas grandes y pequeñas,
todas las cosas sabias y maravillosas,
el Señor Dios los hizo a todos.
1 Cada pequeña flor que se abre,
cada pajarito que canta,
Dios hizo sus colores brillantes,
Dios hizo sus diminutas alas. [Abstenerse]
2 La montaña de cabeza púrpura,
el río que corre,
el atardecer y la mañana
que ilumina el cielo; [Abstenerse]
3 El viento frío en el invierno,
el agradable sol de verano,
los frutos maduros del jardín,
Dios los hizo, a todos. [Abstenerse]
4 Dios nos dio ojos para verlos,
y labios para que podamos decir
que grande es Dios Todopoderoso,
quien ha hecho todas las cosas bien. [Abstenerse

▶️ 3Speak


I remember this song in my primary school days.
I used to like it and I still do
You presented it well
More grease to your elbow jaree

@mayorkeys all things bright and beautiful, I still remember how we will shouting out in primary school days, it was one of my faves.

You did so well with this presentation ✴️
Kudos dear

Brother excellent keyboard work, the song is great!


Thanks great player, i cherish you anytime and anyday

I love this song, you presented and sang it very well. This brought me back to my younger years. Our teachers taught us first the poem and had us memorize everything. At first I thought this was just a poem only when I was on the higher grade I learned that this has a tune and that it is a song... Haha... So funny.
May all the things around you bright and beautiful my friend @mayorkeys.

Amen, i also though it was a poem when we were first taught but as i grow older i saw that it was a nice tune to use. Thanks for dropping by

Siempre lo haces bien hermano, eres demasiado bueno para esto, la música es lo tuyo

This comment really is heart warming. Thanks for the nice comment 😊

Hahahah listening to this piece I recall childhood days. Thanks for sharing old time memories

Its my pleasure 🤭

Me encantó tu presentación y la interpretada muy bien amigo@alcaidesa.. éxitos y bendiciones.

Thank you so much, your words are so kind

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