67th week of Pukumundo// fitness for Waist Flexibility and fitness for Knee/lap raising/bending.

in PukuMundolast year (edited)

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Greetings to all Pukumundo Lovers,I hope you all are doing great?
I welcome you all to a new week and new edition of Pukumundo, 67th week, may the week be blessings filled (Amen).

I will be doing Two fitness for this week and both will be based on flexibility of waist, just mainly for turning and Knee/lap exercise for joint movement.

For a start, I will take Waist Flexibility, which can be done in two ways and It is mostly common and necessary for footballers, the first thing to do to start the fitness is,

Step 1: stand straight and close up the gaps between your two feet.

Step 2: Raise up your two arms OR Put your hands on your waist

Step 3: Make a turn without moving your two legs. this "step 3" should be done gently to avoid injury.
We should always have a mindset of Fitness without injury.
After completion, rest for like 30secs.
Then, breath.

The next Fitness is what I called Knee/Lap raising and bending, in this part, the exercise is mainly for your two legs and it is as follows;

Step 1: Stand straight, raise one of your knee and hold with one of your hand.

Step 2: move the knee from downward part to upward part. do this for like 15 counts.

Step 3: Also hold the leg raise and bend gently, Please.

Do the same for the other leg and trust me, you will feel more better when done.

I wish you good luck!!!!!

Saludos a todos los amantes de Pukumundo, espero que todos estén muy bien.
Les doy la bienvenida a todos a una nueva semana y nueva edición de Pukumundo, la semana 67, que la semana esté llena de bendiciones (Amén).

Haré Two fitness para esta semana y ambos se basarán en la flexibilidad de la cintura, principalmente para girar y el ejercicio de rodilla/regazo para el movimiento de las articulaciones.

Para empezar voy a tomar Flexibilidad de Cintura, que se puede hacer de dos maneras y es mayormente común y necesario para los futbolistas, lo primero que se debe hacer para empezar el fitness es,

Paso 1: párate derecho y cierra los espacios entre tus dos pies.

Paso 2: levante los dos brazos O ponga las manos en la cintura

Paso 3: Haz un giro sin mover las dos piernas. este "paso 3" debe hacerse con cuidado para evitar lesiones.
Siempre debemos tener una mentalidad de Fitness sin lesiones.
Después de la finalización, descanse durante unos 30 segundos.
Entonces, respira.

El próximo Fitness es lo que llamé Elevación y flexión de rodillas/regazo, en esta parte, el ejercicio es principalmente para las dos piernas y es el siguiente;

Paso 1: Párese derecho, levante una de sus rodillas y sosténgala con una de sus manos.

Paso 2: mueve la rodilla de la parte de abajo a la parte de arriba. haz esto por 15 cargos.

Paso 3: También mantén la pierna levantada y dóblala suavemente, por favor.

Haz lo mismo con la otra pierna y créeme, te sentirás mucho mejor cuando termines.

¡¡¡¡¡Les deseo buena suerte!!!!!

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Aha, the brothers from other latitudes getting active with pukutraining. Anyone would think that these exercises are not necessary, but it is really necessary for our body to have a lot of flexibility. What you missed brother was to put a good rock as background music, but that for sure you will do in the next installment, do not forget that hit must be free of author. @nahupuku, those terrains look very good for a great workout. Greetings to you.

Yeah brother @omarcitorojas it's true. And thanks a Lot for this words

Am really grateful for this love
I will for sure take to your advice
Thanks so so much, my gallant bosses

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Wooow brother amazing!!!
I like a Lot this!! This IS A Big surprise

For nexts posts don't forget put some rock music without copyright in the background lml

Thanks so much for your encouragement, boss
I am grateful so much


boss you have to coment other posts from others users for I can support this posts, make coments in others user`s posts its about to make a community and support others.