Be Young at Heart, in your Mind and Beyond your Spirit || Forever Young πŸƒ #APART - A Picture and A Reggae Tune

in ReggaeJAHM β€’ 3 years ago


Getting older. When we are kids we can't wait for it. When we are adolescents we somewhat dread it. But whatever stage you are at in life, one thing is certain, it is inevitable. But that doesn't mean it has to be a bad experience.

Increasing in age means you are going through different phases in your life. From school and living with your parents, to earning for yourself and moving out. From the party life to, well, a different kind of party life. From being a kid to having to care for kids. Once I spent most of my social time on MSN live messenger, now it's Hive, and next it may be something else, or not, but the social experience goes on.

The picture above is from 2013, 8 years ago, when my body was in a state of rapid healing. Well, more rapid than nowadays. As you can see I'm playing volleyball in the rain at an all day event. The fatigue that came from this was easily shaken off. Now, not so much. But my mind, my heart and my soul are all still at the same level of enthusiasm as they were back then, if not more. As time goes on, I learn to be more efficient with my energy on the field, as I may have a bit less to spare. This example can be applied to anything else in life. We become wiser, learn to adapt to our current state and situation, doing whatever we put our minds to, traveling around the world and experiencing life in the broadest sense. With that mindset, youth is relative, and the possibilities are endless, as well as timeless.

That being said, let's vibe to the tune 'Forever Young' that has been covered to death in the past years. In particular I chose this Reggae cover by The Farmer Band, because of how down to earth and natural it sounds. Less about the electronics and more about the music, the message and the emotion.

#APART is an initiative by the IRIE down-to-earth people at the ReggaeJAHM Community where you share a picture alongside a Reggae tune the picture reminds you of.

Check out this post for more info on #APART and join the movement. πŸ™ƒ

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Β 3 years agoΒ 

Nice Reggae cover of a classic!

Oh lord, not to mention knowing what the back and leg pains actually feel like. I used to wonder what older folks are talking about. Efficient use of energy is a wise way to live.

Posted via ReggaeJahm | Reggae Culture Rewarded

I used to think those guys with all the braces on all their limbs were ridiculous. I still do, but now I understand. πŸ˜‚

Love it my friend
Reggae is one of my favourite genres
Thanks sharing @rarej

It is also one of the most recognized genres worldwide. Enjoy man!

Thanks brother @rarej have the best one:)