verses of a song

in Blockchain Poets16 days ago

my ear was at it
they said it was the first one
many were coming and lt does
l refused to be distracted
l was very focus
my friendly mind i see
he start with the very tone
a different one entirely
they called it bored
something they will sleep away from
l did made up my mind
to watch all the places

l find the places I didn't like
l did not mind
the first verse were off
time for the second
he raised up another voice
they said it match
l wasn't there for the rhyme's
they wanted to hear the rhythm's
before the message l want
delay pop in
to the band mate he visit
changed in the lights
big hall of enjoyment.

He can keep it a place
his mouth focus on the mic
at there was the best
the first of the change
the moment of the message
times people want to experience
that things they want to hear
promotion's of hustles
corrections of mistakes
a message not to fall for it
the sweetest part of the melodies
as the voice care about the world.

This poem look into that verse of a song that we like, sometimes we might like the intro, because some song's intro are very good. But in most cases, we find a particular verse that came out different, sending us message just as we experienced in our daily hustle.

people also find meaning in those kind of song which speak directly to what they wanted to hear in the closing part, and it is mostly when the singer tried to tell a story at the end, this kind of the songs message are the best.

lt is a nice way of making the people who was listening to learn something from it.

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