Hello everyone 🤗 it's been a while and hope y'all are doing well 😘 so it Hive open mic week 185💝 it's still your girl @imasolo. i love the theme for this week **passion. so I'll be singing 'I believe I can fly' by R.Kelly.
Passion is a word that has been misused and misinterpreted by a lot of person. For some people passion means being aggressive or the use of force, some think that passion is about being violent. But that's all wrong.
Passion for me means dedication, commitment and love for something. I believe that when one is passionate about something, the person will make a lot of sacrifices towards the thing. This sacrifices will be in the form of time or even finance.
I'm passionate about singing and because of this I spend time and finances training myself in the art of singing. I'm dedicated and committed to any thing that has to do with music. I know that in music talent is not enough, passion for the art is very important if one must be successful.
This is why I picked the song **I believe I can fly by R.kelly. With passion, I believe the sky is just a starting point. I know with dedication and commitment I will fly and touch the skies. Passion is the wings I need for this flight. I truly believe that all my commitment, dedication and focus on building myself I will definitely reach the zenith. I believe I can fly and passion is my wings.
thanks for stopping by 💗💗
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