in Musiclast year

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Hello Music community, it's been over a year since I posted anything here but I hope to be more consistent here, creating lovely musical contents as well as enjoying contents by other amazing musicians in this community. Today I'd be covering a classic by USA for Africa called "We are the World". The song encourages us all to love and support one and another, no matter your race, religion and colour...we are all one in the sight of God, We are the world!.

The group USA for Africa was made up of some of the era's (80's) best-known musicians.
It was written by Lionel Richie and Michael Jackson, it was realeased in the year 1985.

In “We Are the World”, the artists call on the rest of the world to join forces and unite to help each other. The first verse references the Ethiopian famine when it talks about people dying and how people need to offer help to such victims.

In the second verse, the singers address how people can decide not to do anything by pretending that someone else will help those in need. The theme of the song is based on the fact that everyone in the world is interconnected and part of God’s big family, hence the need for each of us to love each other regardless of our backgrounds.The chorus prompts the listener to make a decision to give to support and save other’s lives because in doing that, we are indirectly saving the whole human race from the greed that kills it and making a positive change that will last generations.

This classic record has been awarded numerous honours including three Grammy Awards, one American Music Award and a People's Choice Award. I do hope y'all enjoy🎧 my cover of this classic. Also don't forget to be the change you seek in the World. 🤍 & 💡




Hola comunidad musical, ha pasado más de un año desde que publiqué algo aquí, pero espero ser más consistente aquí, creando contenido musical encantador y disfrutando el contenido de otros músicos increíbles en esta comunidad. Hoy estaría versionando un clásico de USA para África llamado "We are the World". La canción nos anima a todos a amarnos y apoyarnos unos a otros, sin importar tu raza, religión y color... todos somos uno a los ojos de Dios, ¡Somos el mundo!.

El grupo USA for Africa estaba formado por algunos de los músicos más conocidos de la época (los 80).
Fue escrito por Lionel Richie y Michael Jackson, fue lanzado en el año 1985.

En “We Are the World”, los artistas llaman al resto del mundo a unir fuerzas y unirse para ayudarse mutuamente. El primer verso hace referencia a la hambruna etíope cuando habla de personas que mueren y cómo las personas necesitan ofrecer ayuda a tales víctimas.

En el segundo verso, los cantantes abordan cómo las personas pueden decidir no hacer nada pretendiendo que alguien más ayudará a los necesitados. El tema de la canción se basa en el hecho de que todos en el mundo están interconectados y son parte de la gran familia de Dios, de ahí la necesidad de que cada uno de nosotros se ame independientemente de su origen. El coro incita al oyente a tomar la decisión de dar para apoyar y salvar la vida de otros porque al hacer eso, indirectamente estamos salvando a toda la raza humana de la codicia que la mata y haciendo un cambio positivo que perdurará por generaciones.

Este disco clásico ha sido galardonado con numerosos premios, incluidos tres premios Grammy, un American Music Award y un People's Choice Award. Espero que todos disfruten 🎧 mi versión de este clásico. Tampoco olvides ser el cambio que buscas en el Mundo. 🤍 y 💡



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Today I was practicing this song on the trumpet, and I think it's so cool to match your interpretation. I haven't recorded it yet but surely I will prepare a performance later on. Your presentation is very nice, tuned, and refined. I can sense that you have fun doing it. I congratulate you for such an amazing talent.

Thank you so much my friend, I'm glad you liked it and I'm grateful for your kind words.. I truly had fun making this, can't wait to hear your version on the trumpet wink 😉.

Wow brother, this is a beautiful song, there came a time when I was a bit cloyed by its melody, but it is quite united and beautiful. You have sung it very well brother! Excellent! Thanks for the good music.

Thank you so much my friend, I'm glad you liked it.